

Individual Therapy

Individual psychotherapy is about opening up curiosity for self-understanding and exploration of feelings to learn new ways of thinking and coping with difficult situations. You may work on greater self-acceptance and confidence for managing life transitions. Setting boundaries and building communication skills is also a primary goal in therapy for improving relationships at home and at work.

Couples Therapy

Couples come for help when feeling a sense of disconnection and loss.

With sufficient motivation along with investment of time and effort, we can help you move from distrust and fear, to a more positive mutually satisfying relationship.

We take a close look at values, lifestyle, history of misunderstandings with the goal of greater empathy and compassion. Healing involves reworking the narratives while cultivating greater empathy, respect and appreciation.

Substantial change for couples involves each partner having commitment and openness, as well as trust in the therapist. We work on greater connection in order to build ‘the couple’ to a new and better place of engagement.

Family Therapy

With great care, a family therapist helps you to identify roles and dynamics that reinforce maladaptive as well as adaptive patterns of behavior.

With everyone on board, we can work to “rewrite the script,’ so to speak. In this fashion, family members shift their attitudes, perceptions and behaviors in a manner that results in more positive outcome regarding the presenting needs.

Family sessions are an opportunity to safely express emotions in a more effective manner. Family members learn how to be active listeners, how to affirm one another and how to make room for differences.

It is important for the family therapist to establish comfort and safety so each family member can be seen and heard as they learn to acknowledge ways to improve for the sake of each other.

Child Play Therapy

Play therapy is utilized to improve verbal expression, self-awareness, impulse control and coping strategies.

Play therapy is offered here for toddlers and school-aged children.  This approach utilizes a child’s most natural way of self-expression to help them share, learn, process, cope and practice skills that directly enhance their development.

Play is the most powerful way that children learn about their world and their relationship with others.  Through play therapy, children can practice and regulate their behaviors while they process thoughts and feelings.

A significant component of our approach to working with children is to increase parental understanding of developmental needs and to increase the child’s ability to share feelings and needs with their parents. We also help to guide parents to manage their family system in a fashion that increases cooperation and connection.

Art Therapy

Art therapy is a therapeutic tool that uses the power of art to deepen one’s connection with their unconscious thoughts, fears, dreams, desires, and much more.  Many people choose art therapy because the creative process appeals to them; they are “stuck” in talk therapy because it has not gone deep enough.

Art therapy can access subconscious and unconscious material that may not otherwise be revealed. Expressions in art therapy can help to release us from oppressive emotional binds, such as learned helplessness, profound sadness, traumatic stress reactions, numbness or depressive apathy.

Art therapy is an enriching application for children in therapy. Children do not possess the same verbal processing abilities as adults and therefore often cannot explain or converse in the same manner.  Therefore art therapy is the perfect method to grasp at core issues in children.

Eating Disorders

Our practice takes a holistic approach to treating eating disorders across the spectrum of symptoms. Successful outcomes require patience and persistence, along with a family systems perspective. Our intake process takes a careful history of the disordered eating patterns to determine needs for treatment. When necessary we implement treatment plans for residential or day treatment intervention with plans for follow-up here.

Our psychologists work in a collaborative manner with internist, nutritionist and psychiatrist, as suitable to individual needs. We address strengths, self-concept and interpersonal development. We focus on self- development and family dynamics, along with connection to community and peers. Further, we examine the symbolism of the manifestation of the disordered eating patterns that are expressing needs for the client.

In addition to working on self-concept and interpersonal relationships, we help our eating disorder clients identify the triggers that lead to disordered eating thoughts and behaviors. In this manner we are working on emotional regulation, which contributes to better mood stability.

Our treatment involves cognitive therapy whereby we examine distorted belief systems. This approach helps our client build a better sense of control, safety and acceptance, along with reduced anxiety and greater flexibility.

For adolescents, we involve parents for the sake of education about meal planning and how to present food in the home. Where necessary we implement a semi or full Maudsley approach to family meals. This permits parents to take charge of food content and amounts per meal to be eaten without negotiation or choice during the initial stage of reclaiming body weight.

We do not encourage eating disorder groups, but for the teenager who is motivated and recovering well, we may advise a Teen Group to help put energies into normal teen endeavors and concerns, above and beyond the eating disorder.

Contact Us for an initial appointment.

Assessment Services

Parent Consultation

Whether it is potty training, sleeping through the night, separation anxiety or transitional adjustments, we can help to clarify a suitable plan, provide support and guidance.

Our practice offers consultation whereby parents present their concerns regarding managing their child or teen. We track parent-child scenarios and examine what is triggering excessive frustration, noncompliance and defiance in your child. We work with you, in collaboration, until the challenge is resolved. Concerns may involve decision making about appropriate treatment interventions or school placements.

For parenting work, in conjunction with child therapy, our psychologists will offer regular parent meetings to offer feedback and suggestions for how to increase compliance and cooperation in your child or teen. We also look at the entire family system in order to collaborate with you on changes that might lead to less stress and a better sense of balance and connection.

Parent Consultation may occur individually, weekly, bimonthly or as needed. We also offer a Mothers Group titled “Parenting with Confidence” for a small group of moms who are coping with particularly challenging temperaments. In the group moms receive support as well as skill building in an ongoing group setting.



We can serve as an advocate for parents who need help prioritizing recommendations in psycho-educational testing reports. We provide clarification how to put recommendations into action.  We can also be available to communicate with school counselors to clarify needs or to voice recommendations for individual education planning.

When it comes to children or teenagers who are acting out and unable to make safe decisions, we will help you determine appropriate placement, including therapeutic residential schools, either public or private.

Psycho-educational testing

Psycho-educational and diagnostic evaluations are also available for all ages. Such an evaluation may include a social-emotional in addition to intellectual and educational testing. A full psycho-educational battery includes intelligence testing with the WISC-IV along with Woodcock Johnson Education tests. Tests that assess motor planning and visual processing skills may also be included as well as assessment of executive functioning, sensory motor and memory tests.

The psychologist is looking at domains of intellectual development and potential as well as achievement while discerning any significant gaps that might explain a student’s frustrations and subsequent diminished output.

In addition, for a richer assessment of functioning both in and outside the classroom, social emotional and behavioral assessments may be included in the battery of tests administered.

Strengths and weaknesses are identified in various areas of cognitive processing, such as memory, visual-motor integration, organization and motor fluency. Analysis and interpretation of the data inform the individual education plan as well as any treatment planning involving social emotional and behavior development.

Along with testing to assess developmental and/or cognitive abilities, a psychologist in our practice can provide services as your advocate in the process of communicating test results to teachers and/or facilitating individual educational planning.

Child Behavioral Assessment

We offer standardized behavioral assessments to assess attention deficits, mood disorders and social anxieties. This is a packet of varied self-report questionnaires completed by parent, teacher and child. These standardized forms are scored by computer and our psychologist will go over the outcome data with parents as well as teachers to determine intervention for improvement as well as needs for further assessment.

A Child Behavioral Assessment [CBA] package, for ages two and up, may include parent and teacher interviews, a classroom or in-office observation, parent/teacher standardized behavioral questionnaires, and written report with recommendations for intervention.

A CBA facilitates treatment planning and intervention, which in turn facilitates growth and maturation. Assessment materials may include:

  • Developmental History
  • Sensory Motor Inventory
  • Behavioral Assessment Scale for Children (BASC)
  • Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist (CBC)
  • Early Childhood Inventory (EDI)
  • Childhood Depression Inventory (CDI)
Classroom or Home Assessment

Our psychologists conduct home or classroom observations in accordance to requests from parents or teachers. We offer a summary of observations along with suggestions for the child being observed.

A classroom or home observation may be part of an Initial Intake process for determining treatment planning, or it may be part of a Child Behavioral Assessment [see below?]. We may also do an observation during the course of family therapy, to better understand family dynamics and environmental factors that may need to be adjusted.


Mindfulness for Upper Elementary or Middle Schoolers

This is a time-limited and skills based group that draws heavily from the mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) approach. Mindfulness is the act of intentionally attending to one’s present moment-to-moment experiences in a open and nonjudgmental way. Through mindfulness strategies, one is able to calm the mind, and be less reactive and more purposeful in their responses. Mindfulness techniques have been heavily studied in the literature and have been found to have many benefits including reduced anxiety and stress, increased sense of control and self-efficacy, a reduction in anger/hostility and better reported sleep.

The goal of this group is to teach upper elementary children or young adolescents how to better manage stress and anxiety and engage in more focused and intentional behavior through the use of empirically supported mindfulness techniques. Examples of the types of exercises include Body Scan, Mindful Stopping and Mindful Homework/Test Taking.

To get more information or to schedule an intake appointment, please call our Intake Coordinator at 301.949.2098, ext 1, or email to:

Parenting with Confidence for Mothers

For moms who are parenting children who may be hypersensitive, oppositional and/or who have been diagnosed with SID, ODD, ADHD and/or PDD.

Gain perspective and insight along with greater skill for your specific parenting challenges. An individualized and affordable approach to help mothers find greater clarity and balance as they face a myriad of challenges and potential overwhelm working with the challenging child.

Supportive, didactic and experiential, this group includes practicing new tools at home in order to effect positive change. Learn to think in terms of nature-nurture so you can cultivate a parenting approach that is most suitable to your child’s temperament. Learn to “hit the pause button” and “go down instead of up” so you are less drained and more prepared, energized and confident. Utilizing parent-child scenarios in order to practice parenting with less reactivity, guilt and inconsistency.

Young Adults

Weekly group meetings for young adults, ages 18-22. Emphasis of group is on self-development, individuation, social relationship skills, money management, assertiveness and emotional resourcefulness. This is a process oriented talk therapy group.

In this group we are helping young adults to gain independent life skills in order to become more self-sufficient and more confident as they learn to take risks and grow into adulthood.

Teen Girls Groups

Ages 13-17   Groups run by Dr. Kay Abrams

Teen girls groups serve to empower and strengthen teens as they manage academic and social challenges. Techniques include guided insight, peer sharing and feedback and social-self appraisal exercises to help girls build confidence and interpersonal competence.

Cognitive processing and experiential tools are integrated into sessions while girls learn social-emotional coping skills.

  • Participants must be approved by the group facilitator for participation.
  • Only one participant per school is allowed in a group.
  • Group meets weekly for 60-75 minutes, allowing for school breaks and vacations.
  • Commitment for school year required after Initial Intake interview and two trial sessions.
  • Former or current individual therapy often required at least every other week while attending group.
  • Two absences allowed per school year (no charge).
  • Participants agree not to initiate friendships outside of group.
  • There will be no social media contact or discussions outside of group at any time. (What is said in group stays in group. Sessions are confidential.)
  • Parents of participants will meet with the facilitator at least quarterly and are free to provide any concerns to the group facilitator.

Contact us for more information or for an Initial Intake.   Call our Intake Coordinator at 301-949-2098, ext.1 or email to arrange an initial intake appointment.

Social Skills

Groups form on a rolling basis! Please watch below for new group information.

To join a group requires an initial intake process with the group therapist, in order to assess your needs and the child’s fit. Please call 301-949-2098 ext 1 for our Intake Coordinator who can assist you and offer answers to any further inquiries.

Link to page with more info about groups

Rediscover Eating Workshop and Support Groups

“Rediscover Eating” is a three-hour workshop. It is not a diet program! There is no “quick fix” in this program, which impacts the psychology and physiology of disordered eating behaviors and accompanying weight problems. Individuals realize the power of a self-nurturing approach to body image, food, and weight.

Affordable workshop and follow-up support groups involves:

  • Journaling to discover triggers that lead to eating.
  • No more “shoulds.”
  • No more rules.
  • No more “all or nothing” thinking.
  • Support groups to maintain new mentality and regulated metabolism
Eating Disorder Parent Support

Group offers guidance and support for parents of children and adolescents with eating disorders.  Focus of group is to foster understanding of eating disorders and to provide specific skills and strategies to help parents cope and support their loved ones throughout recovery.  Helping a child with an eating disorder is highly demanding and stressful; this group serves as a place to express concerns, ask questions, share experiences and bolster parental confidence in managing eating disorders.

The 1 hour weekly group periodically features nutritionists and eating disorder specialists.

Self-Regulation and Relaxation for Boys
  • Identify triggers of frustration and anger
  • Increase your self-awareness of various body states
  • Learn to express your feelings appropriately
  • Develop alternative responses to stress
  • Learn the skills to improve your mood!
  • Learn relaxation techniques for improved self-care
  • Learn how to create a calm relaxed state of mind
  • Identify your strengths
  • Practice positive self-talk


Psychotherapy helps us understand feelings and ways of thinking as we become better at coping with difficult situations or challenges. Psychotherapy is sought to relieve sadness and depression, overwhelming stress or to problem solve a challenging situation. In psychotherapy, clients work on life transitions and adjustments or to better manage personality differences in families, in marriage, in life at school or at work.


We offer initial assessment for social-emotional difficulties and ADHD, and will consult on school issues.


All groups require an initial one-hour individual intake interview with the group therapist.  Group typically meets weekly through the school year for 60-75 minutes.